Singing Guide: Richard Tauber

Singing Guide: Richard Tauber

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Richard Tauber was a celebrated Austrian operatic tenor, conductor, and composer. Tauber's unique vocal talent was characterized by his effortless high range, crystal-clear diction, and passionate delivery. He was renowned for his performances in operettas, Lieder, and classical operas. If you aspire to sing like Richard Tauber, here are some practical steps, insights on his vocal technique, and examples of his signature performances.

Breathing and Support

Like many classical singers, Richard Tauber emphasized the importance of breath support in his vocal technique. He identified that proper breathing and breath control were the foundations of good singing. Therefore, practicing breathing exercises and diaphragmatic breathing techniques is essential. For an in-depth analysis of breathing and support, visit Singing Carrots' Breath Support article.

Vocal Registers and Vocal Range

Richard Tauber's voice had an impressive range of nearly three musical octaves. He had a unique timbre and effortless high range, which set him apart from other tenors of his time. Also, he was renowned for his falsetto, which enabled him to sing high notes with unmatched clarity and power. You can explore your vocal range and voice type by taking Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test.

Vowel Modification and Articulation

Richard Tauber believed in the power of precise articulation and effective vowel modification. He was known for his perfect diction, and his delivery enhanced the lyrical meaning of the song. For a detailed explanation of articulation, visit Singing Carrots' Articulation article.

Repertoire and Singing Style

Richard Tauber's repertoire featured operettas, classical operas, and Lieder. He had a natural ability to bring emotion to each song he performed, and his stage presence was impeccable. Singing like Richard Tauber requires a deep understanding of classical music styles and techniques. You can expand your repertoire and explore songs by taking Singing Carrot's Song Search tool.

Examples of Richard Tauber's Songs to Learn

  • Dein ist mein ganzes Herz
  • Im Prater blüh'n wieder die Bäume
  • Ave Maria
  • Rosen aus dem Süden

In conclusion, learning to sing like Richard Tauber is a challenging but rewarding pursuit. You need to focus on developing your breath support, vocal range, and articulation. You can refine these skills by exploring Singing Carrots' resources, such as the vocal range test, articulation article, and song search tool. Finally, study Tauber's performances to gain insight into the style and nuances of performance that made him a legendary singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.